Friday, March 22, 2024

Saturday, March 23, 2024
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Tips and Tricks

Show Dates: Friday, March 22, Saturday March 23 & Sunday, March 24, 2024.

Maximizing Your Presence

We don’t have to tell you how important first impressions can be. Your booth will say a lot about you and you should invest the time and respect needed in creating the best booth you possibly can.

Attendees approaching your booth should be able to:
~~Know who you are and the product or service you have to offer
~~Realize the level of professionalism and service they can expect

~~Opportunity. Promote your booth to your existing customers and potential customers. Invite them to the show to meet with you. Consider offering a show-only discount to further entice and generate sales leads.

~~Fresh flowers are an inexpensive way to add color and beauty to your booth. If you are using color, pull your colors together so that it looks planned and not thrown together.

~~Adding a rug or carpet is a good way to enhance your booth and it helps your feet and legs not get so tired
Consider investing in professional signage which can project your high level of professionalism.

~~Welcome your attendees by creating an open and inviting space. Avoid creating barriers with tables and chairs that separate you from your potential customers. Allowing people into your booth makes them feel welcome and they are more likely to want to interact with you.

~~A positive rapport is essential. A smile and eye contact will welcome your potential customers and they will feel acknowledged. Avoid gong straight to your sales pitch. Take a few minutes to find out some background information on your potential customer and their needs and tailor your sales pitch accordingly.

~~Knowledge: It’s going to be important that everyone staffing the booth has a wealth of understanding about the product or service being offered. The show is a great way to make a great first impression but if the show attendee feels that the booth staff is unable to answer basic questions or provide information this can have a negative impact on generating future sales leads.

~~Staffing: We understand that you may be working long hours and being on your feet can be tiring but try to avoid sitting in your booth. However, we know this may be unavoidable so consider sitting on a high stool versus a chair. Create a staffing schedule to allow people to have breaks to rest and eat.

~~Avoid eating in your booth. Customers are unlikely to want to interact with someone who is eating. Avoid losing that next great sales lead and plan food breaks in advance.

~~Giveaways and prize drawings. These can attract additional traffic to your booth and are a great way to generate potential sales leads for post-show follow-up. We suggest that you make prize drawings specific to the product or service you are offering.

~~Avoid the temptation to break your booth down early even 5 minutes early. There will be potential customers at the show and you may lose that last-minute sale. Be fair to your fellow exhibitors and wait until the show has ended. Breaking down early runs the risk of you not being invited back.


~Before the show:
Popovics Productions is available to assist you with any questions you have or, if you want to run an idea by us. Feel free to let us know how we can help you.

~During the show:
Popovics Productions will have on-site show management available at all times. If there is a problem, please take it to them so they can do something about it. Avoid gossiping and complaining to other exhibitors or to show attendees; stay positive and let us help you with any problems you may experience.

~After the show:
If you have any constructive thoughts and ideas that you want to share with us for your future participation, feel free to contact us at any time.